01-01-11 When I was younger we often did puzzles over Christmas Break. It used to take up the entire dining room table and some of the larger puzzles would be quite the project. This year for New Years we
put together a few puzzles. It was a lot of
fun. Each of the
kids had their own progress chart hanging on the wall. We took a
picture of them today. (this was from the 2008 Home School
Schedule.) Ellen enjoying New Year's Day. Jan 3rd My parents recently returned home from an LDS mission to the Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Mission. Since returning they started monthly Super-Sized-Frazier-Family-Home-Evenings. We all meet for dinner and a FHE lesson. It rotates each month so that each family gets to teach the lesson. Our kids look forward each month to having FHE at Oma and Opa's house (Grandma & Grandpa's house). It is so much fun. It's a family reunion every month! Left to Right: Marci, Amron,
Tyler, Prenten, Emily. Marci, Amron & Tyler Prenten Roman Aaron Eating dinner. Mom (Grandma/Oma) This month it was Mom &
Dad's turn to do the lesson. Here
they are showing us how to make homemade picture frames with sea
shells. Jan 6th My friend Jose (who taught
me about the tradition)
came to our house today and surprised us with our very own Rosca de
Reyes. We are very excited! ...and here are the lucky winners! Jan 21st Jan 23rd Jan 27th January 29th Feb 1st Feb 7th Feb 11th Afterwards they went over to visit with the
cousins in Layton. Julia and Emma are great friends. Feb 14th Feb 16th This was a spontaneous
moment. I walked in the room and there they were just like this. Feb 22nd Jacob earned his On My Honor
award on the same day. Feb 23rd Going on a field trip to Sub
Zero ice cream where they mix science, food and fun. You chose your
flavors and ingredient and then they mix it up in front of you, add
liquid nitrogen and your ice cream is ready to eat. Feb 24th Today we went to my sister's
wedding. I like the colors in these
flower pictures Audrey and Ellen My brother, Prenten, made this cake top
decoration. It is an edible frosting version of the Mt. Timpanogos
Temple. Decorating the newlywed's
car Tyler and Krystal Prenten holding is work of
art. Feb 26th While I was out I looked up
and saw this. It was the sun but it had 4 rainbows going around it.
Each circle was going in a different direction and there were bright
spots when they intersect. You can only see 2 of the rings in this
picture. I didn't have a lens large enough to capture all 4 in the
same shot. The largest ring went around most of the sky. The craziest part
was when I looked directly above me in the sky and there was an
upside-down rainbow. The other 3 rings were all intersecting, but
this one was in the center of them all, and only a partial circle.
My eyes could hardly take it all in. It was a wonder to see. Once I finished plowing I
came home and took the kids for a sledding ride. Feb 27th I took David and Julia ice
fishing at Hyrum Reservoir. Fishing inside the ice tent
is fun because it stays so warm inside, and when the doors
and windows are shut you can see down into the water and watch the
David caught a fish When we opened David's fish
we were surprised to find a 2nd fish! Our insurance agent, Josh
Barnett with American Family Insurance, invited us to laser tag,
roller skating, bowling, jungle gym, and a picture with Santa. How
many of you have an agent like that? March 1st Our home school group goes
to many events at the Ellen Eccles Theatre. The kids
get to have great cultural experiences and see lots of inspiring
talent. Today they went to see The 5 Browns. Julia came into the office to show me what she
created. She took some licorice and little
broccoli leaves to make trees. March 3rd I remember when my older brother and I were this age. In a similar situation my dad was helping us both make our pinewood derbys and my dads wood planer took off one of his fingers. Needless to say I was nervous the entire time making these cars. Glad to report I get to keep all 10 of my fingers. Here is David. James holding his car. Megan is across the way
holding Ellen. To the right is Audrey, Aunt Laura and Jacob. Julia is up close,
to the far right. I was going to say that Julia is the one in front
wearing purple, but that doesn't help much does it? March 4th March 17th March 21st
March 23rd Audrey's sister, Mary came
over to visit. March 29th March 30th
March 31st |
This site maintained by Joshua Frazier. © Copyright 1973-2012