Our new Swimming pool.
James the monkey
Me and my new bagpipes!
This was a great picture of James and Pal
Julia loved dance and was so good at it.
Jacob loves the vehicles.
Julia loves to dress up.
James is allergic to Twinkies.
The lamp post outside our house. And the Jordan River temple in the background.
James learing to spel.
David did this snowman. He came in the house to get us and I told him I would be right there. About a half hour later I go walking by the front window and notice him sitting on the sidewalk still waiting for me and I had totally forgot to even come. I felt so bad! What a patient little guy.
Jacob and David. This was a big day for them to advance in their karate class.
Audrey, Krystal, Lynne and Tiffany.
Nothing better for Julia than something like this.
An easter dinner with Lucky and our favorite sister missionaries. (Sister Jensen and Sister Latulele.)
Our friend Lucky.
Me showing my baking skills. Chocolate cake made in a rice maker. One of my specialties.
At the hospital with Audrey's grandpa Coon before he passed away.
Audrey and Grandpa Coon.
Sun Bathing. Or sun cooking. Megan's friend, Page, taught her how to do this and Megan cooked to a crispy.
Actually I think this was from 2006, but I came across it and its just so good.